Have you lost your card?

Don’t panic, we have all the information you need right here.

Within Australia

If you have lost your Visa Debit card within Australia, the first thing you should do is contact us and let us know as soon as practicable. For lost or stolen cards, please phone 1300 705 750

If it is outside our normal business hours (Monday-Friday 9:15am – 5:00pm), please call the Card Hotline: 1800 648 027


Losing your card overseas can be stressful – especially if you suddenly find yourself without access to your cash. The Visa Global Customer Assistance service is available 24/7 and can help you:

To locate a Visa Global Customer Assistance service number, click here.

We urge you to report your card lost or stolen as soon as you become aware that it is missing. Reporting the loss of a card quickly reduces the risk to you of unauthorised access. It also means we can get a replacement card to you much sooner!

If you believe that your Visa Debit card has been misused, lost or stolen or the PIN has become known to someone else, you must immediately contact us during business hours or the after-hours fraud reporting team (Ph. 1300 705 750) 24 hours a day, everyday.
You must provide the following information when making such notification to us or the after hours fraud team:

  • the card number
  • the name Bank Orange; and any other personal information you are asked to provide to assist in identifying you and the card

We or the after-hours fraud team will acknowledge the notification by giving a reference number. Please retain this number as evidence of the date and time of contacting Bank Orange or the after-hours number.

When contacting the after-hours team, you should confirm the loss or theft as soon as possible.

If the after hours number is not operating at the time notification is attempted, the loss, theft or unauthorised use must be reported to us as soon as possible during business hours on (02) 6362 4466.

When you are issued with a Visa Debit, you will be given your own personal identification number (PIN). You will be required to enter your PIN everytime you use your card at either an ATM or eftpos terminal, to prove that you are the owner of the card. Therefore, it is very important that you memorise your PIN and do not store the number with your card.

If you would like to change your assigned PIN number to one you can more easily remember, you can do one of the following; visit the branch, change on Internet Banking, mobile app or at an ATMX ATM. 

Here are some other hints for protecting your PIN and access card:

  • Sign the card as soon as you receive it
  • Keep the card in a safe place
  • If you change the PIN, you must not select a PIN that represents your birth date or a recognisable part of your name
  • Never write the PIN on the card
  • Never write the PIN on anything that is kept with or near the card
  • Never lend the card to anybody
  • Never tell or show the PIN to another person
  • Use care to prevent anyone seeing the card number and PIN being entered at Electronic Equipment
  • Immediately report the loss, theft or unauthorised use of the card to the Card Hotline staff on 1800 648 027 as soon as possible so that your card can be cancelled and a replacement issued
  • Keep a record of the card number and the Card Hotline number with your usual list of emergency telephone numbers
  • Examine your account statement immediately upon receiving it to identify and report, as soon as possible, any instances where the card has been used without your authority
  • Immediately notify us of any change of address

If you believe your card is lost or stolen, you can instantly lock access to your card through the Bank Orange Mobile App. 

1. Login to the Mobile App 
2. Select the menu icon on the top right-hand side and select 'Manage Cards'
3. Under the relevant card there is an icon to 'Lock card' tap on this to lock your card. You can also tap it again to unlock the card if you find it or no longer require it locked. 

We are here to help