Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 4.30pm
Anyone can enquire or apply for a loan with us - you don't have to be a member at the time. You will need to become a member when you take out the loan. We are a mutual financial services organisation whose shareholders are its members, and you must be a member before you can take up a product or service with us.
The amount you can borrow is dependent on the type of loan you apply for. The actual amount you can borrow is, however, determined by your ability to meet the repayments of the loan and the value of the loan security.
The Comparison Rate is an indicative interest rate that is designed to help you identify the 'true cost' of a loan. It takes into account the interest rate and any 'ascertainable fees and charges' that relate in an attempt to express some of the costs of a loan into a single rate. 'Ascertainable fees and charges' are those that are definitely payable during the life of the loan - such as application fees, monthly or annual charges, cost of valuation and legal fees.
The Comparison Rate does not include fees and charges that may occur or are based on some future 'event' - such as redraw, early termination fees, progress payments or fees charged by some institutions when you decide to switch lenders. In addition, government and statutory charges are not included - as these are standard irrespective of the type of loan or who the lender is. So, whilst the Comparison Rate is a useful tool for comparing the cost of different loans, it should be remembered that it doesn't provide the total picture.
It's important to consider all the features and benefits of the loan - rather than only focusing on the Comparison Rate. A Comparison Rate does not take into account all the factors that should be considered when comparing different loan offers from different financial institutions/lenders. Benefits such as redraw, 100% offset and the ability to make additional repayments/flexible repayment periods are not included within a Comparison Rate - but they can make a difference to the attractiveness of a loan.
Statements are issued every six months. More frequent or duplicate statements can be requested at any time from our office. Account information is also available 24/7 through our Mobile Banking App, Internet Banking and Phone Banking services.
The biggest initial cost is the deposit. This will range from 5% to 30% of the value of the property depending on the type of loan you require.
Property purchase stamp duty is a form of government tax and is calculated on the market value of the property or the purchase price, whichever is greater. You may be exempted or eligible for a concession, please contact your solicitor/conveyancer.
In addition, whenever a property changes hands, the change of ownership must be recorded with the appropriate State Titles Office. A document known as a Transfer of Land must be lodged, the cost of which varies in each State/Territory. Please contact your solicitor/conveyancer who should perform this task on your behalf.
Legal expenses for the average home purchase include (indicative only):
Contracts should never be exchanged until the necessary searches and inspections have been completed. Searches and inspections may include the following:
A Certificate of Title obtained from the Titles Office by your solicitor/conveyancer provides details of who owns the property and who else has an interest in it. This is a good way to research if there are any mortgages, caveats, restrictive covenants etc on the property which would affect the transfer of title.
The report completed by your building inspector will detail any building flaws, e.g. structural issues with the building or roof, damp etc. The pest report should detail any evidence of pest infestation. It will enable you to assess the cost of any required treatment.
You can arrange to make your loan repayments either by:
If you want to make payments in addition to your agreed monthly payment, you can make payments:
Your loan must be secured by a registered mortgage over a residential property.
Please contact us should you have any concerns about repaying your loan. We're here to help.
Lenders Mortgage Insurance will be required if the amount of your loan exceeds 80% of the valuation or purchase price, whichever the lesser.
Building Insurance is required to be taken out equal to the amount stated in the recommendation on the property valuation.
The First Home Owner Grant is a government incentive and was established to assist eligible first home owners to purchase a new home or build their home. For eligible transactions made on or after 1st January 2016, the grant amount is $10,000. For eligible transactions made between 1 October 2012 and 31 December 2015, the grant amount is $15,000. The grant is useful as it can be used to offset the cost of stamp duty.
A new home:
To be eligible for the $10,000 grant:
For full information about whether you will or will not be eligible for the First Home Owners grant visit
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